Thursday, February 23, 2012

Basment improvement.......

 So I didn't get as far as I wanted to yesterday....  oh well.  I always have high expectations and I forget how long things actually take, hence, going crazy when I do projects.

But I really need to get all this stuff organized.  You probably can't see them, but my washer and dryer are back there some where and my family is seriously running out of clean clothes.  My wonderful hubby also decided to bring down all the laundry (bless his cotton picken heart) the day before we were going to start on the improvements.  So our dirty laundry is back there somewhere too. 

  Well I guess that works to push me to finish. 

 Well yesterday was another whirl wind, but again when is it not when you have kids, right!  

What I did is place the Industrial Strength Velcro up and found out that I need more.  It took about 10, 4 feet long strips.   

 And I ironed and cut 4 strips of fabric, 79 inches long each. 

 And so this is where I left off.  Cut strips of fabric, Velcro on the wall, and partially ironed piece of fabric.

Mamita's Next Thing:

 The plan for today is to sew all the fabric together and put up my first panel of fabric.  This will allow me to put up the shelf that's in 4 boxes still in my front room.

I think I may need help with that one.  :)

I hope you all have a great day!  Can't wait 'till it all comes together and I can wash my clothes. 

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